
Tuesday 21 August 2012

29 Ways to Entertain Kids

In this age of handheld video games, portable DVD players, and ever-present cell phones, too many people have forgotten the simple joys of old-fashioned fun. Try these ideas for games and family activities that require everyone to turn off the television and tune in to each other.
  1. Take your child out for her first big catch.
  2. Set up games that kids and adults can play together―like croquet and badminton.
  3. Take turns around a campfire telling scary (but not too scary) ghost stories.
  4. Provide pure joy: sun, shore, and sand castles.
  5. Introduce a new generation to an old game, bocce.
  6. Encourage a future Tiger Woods to practice hitting it out of the rough (and away from the house!).
  7. Toss the best pizza party ever, with café tablecloths and stick-on mustaches.
  8. Scout out a good climbing tree, with an angled trunk and strong, low branches.
  9. Unleash an imagination, with delicious results.
  10. Let kids do a little backward thinking at a party where everything―decorations included―is reversed.
  11. Make gorgeous bubbles without a wand: Form an OK sign, submerge fingers in bubble solution, and blow gently.
  12. Give a child the taste of freedom that comes with a bike.
  13. Run with abandon in the sunshine.
  14. Grab some sidewalk chalk and draw a hopscotch court that you can jump along on too.
  15. Send young guests at a backyard birthday party fishing for prizes.
  16. Provide a world of possibility with a cupful of crayons.
  17. Start a game of tag―the more players, the merrier.
  18. Run an egg race using spoons and red foam balls.
  19. Turn paper-airplane making into a shared sport by folding a pair with your child and then seeing whose can go the farthest.
  20. Organize a game of four square, with chalk, a ball, and at least four players.
  21. Turn on sprinklers for cooling-off fun.
  22. Welcome children into the kitchen, a wonderful way for parents and kids to spend time together.
  23. Punch a small hole in the bottom of each can, slide in a string, and knot it to make a tin-can telephone.
  24. Give your child free rein on a wall―or at least on an easy-to-wipe-clean chalkboard decal.
  25. Lose the donkey and pin the pepperoni on the pizza instead.
  26. Enjoy the spoils of a treasure hunt–themed party with a band of mates.
  27. Let your little one play fortune-teller with this paper game that predicts a player’s future―like “You will serve dessert for dinner.”
  28. Fill a pool with toys of summer. No child will resist their lure.
  29. Stuff a piñata with treats and suspend it from a tree limb: a sure party hit.
Source: RealSimple


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