
Sunday 26 August 2012

3 Things Girls Should Do

By WomensHealthBase editors

Remember when Mom sat you down and said, “We have to talk,” and you thought you were in for some really bad news? Then she proceeded to explain where babies come from? That was probably way before you were a pre-teen. But did you and Mom ever have a talk about having sex? Frank conversations between parent and young adults rarely include discussions about achieving a climax, oral sex, or masturbation. So let’s have that conversation now.

1. Orgasm

If those Hollywood movies were our only source of sexual education we’d believe that reaching a climax is as easy as drinking a glass of water. Movie characters would have us think after a few deep kisses and a little rock and rollin’ we’ll be floating in ecstasy. The truth of the matter is, reaching a climax takes some work. It’s fun work, most of the time, but the payoff is worth it.

Women need to enjoy foreplay more so than men. Foreplay is as important as penetration. Good foreplay gets women turned on, and is the same for some men, and makes them feel loved and appreciated. This is an important step toward reaching organism. Most of the work is emotional for her. That’s why women do not want to make love after a day of arguing and verbal abuse. Reaching a climax is a physical delight, but getting there is just as much emotional as physical, often more so.

New couples are often disappointed to find that their sexual experiences in bed are a struggle and disappointing. A man reaches organism far easier than his mate. It’s no wonder 70% of women admit to faking it from time to time. But who wants to fake it every time? If this is the road you’re traveling it’s time for a U-turn. Make time to talk with your man about your needs. Tell him, or show him what feels good to you. Explain that you need some romancing even before getting into bed. It’s important for him to understand that for you the emotional ride is every bit as essential as the physical if the destination is orgasm.

2. Oral Sex

There was a time when oral sex was a taboo subject and for some religious groups it still is. Men might have talked about it, but you wouldn’t find women in a discussion like that. Women were taught that engaging in oral sex, rather giving or receiving, is dirty and nice girls don’t do that. The fact of the matter is, men love receiving fellatio (blow-job). Many women just can’t seem to reach organism without major stimulation of her clitoris by her mate’s tongue (cunnilingus). If both parties are willing there is nothing wrong with that.

Oral sex includes the act of kissing, licking, nibbling or sucking on the genitals. Generally speaking, both males and females enjoy being on the receiving end. Many women in particular, and some men, find giving oral sex more difficult. This is something to be discussed with your partner.

3. Masturbation

An old sexual myth says that if you masturbate, hair will grow on the palms of your hands and everyone will know what you’ve been doing. You can throw that idea in the round file. Aside from abstinence, masturbation is the safest sex to have. Single women find sexual release through masturbation. Couples often use masturbation during foreplay or after one partner has achieved orgasm.

Source: WomensHealthBase


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