
Wednesday 22 August 2012

Ease Pain Naturally

Two more ways to effectively soothe aches without drugs.

1. Qigong

Use it for: fibromyalgia or arthritis

What the science says: Qigong is an umbrella term for traditional Chinese-medicine exercises that integrate posture and breathing techniques to improve the flow of energy, or qi. Women with severe fibromyalgia had 73% less pain after just 5-7 sessions with a qigong master, according to a new Robert Wood Johnson University study, and the benefits continued three months later. “I’ve never seen pain scores change so dramatically,” says Afton Hassett, MD, one of the study co-authors. When combined with meditation, qigong helped patients reduce their pain as well as prescription drugs, according to University of Maryland researchers. And 83% of rheumatoid arthritis patients who practiced qigong for 1-2 hours a day reported significant improvement compared to 57% who received medication, Chinese doctors found.

How to try it: A skilled practitioner can help you reduce your discomfort in 3 to 9 treatments, says Master FaXiang Hou of the Qigong Research Society ( Start off with a class or use an at-home video like Francesco Garripoli’s “Qigong Beginning Practice” at least one hour a day, either first thing in the morning or right before bed. Once you?ve got the hang of it, 20 to 30 minutes a day can keep pain at bay, says Kevin Chen, PhD, who led the RWJ study. Find a teacher near you at the National Qigong Association.

2. Acupuncture

Use it for: arthritis; migraines; low-back, menstrual, or post-operative pain

What the science says: When pricked with tiny, essentially painless needles, your body releases endogenous opioids, its natural painkillers, but for reasons scientists are still figuring out, the benefits last longer than the chemicals’ analgesic effect. Recent research has yielded stunning results: people with knee arthritis reduced pain by 40% after 6 months of weekly acupuncture, according to researchers at the University of Maryland Center for Integrative Medicine, who also found it can relieve low-back pain. Overseas, scientists in Europe used acupuncture to cut medication use in half among migraine sufferers and, in another study, ease menstrual pain. Post-surgery patients needed less morphine after receiving the needle pricks, a recent Duke University study found.

How to try it: For acute pain, try 5-8 treatments; experts say you'll need 8-15 sessions for chronic pain (in the UMCIM study on osteoarthritis, significant improvement took 14 weeks). Nearly half of employers offer health insurance that covers acupuncture, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation survey. Contact your state's acupuncture board or your insurer to find a licensed practitioner.

Source: Prevention


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